The goal of this exercise in 2019 was to improve the coherence between three different policy agendas in the context of Colombia’s mining and energy planning: the Sustainable Development Goals, Colombia’s nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement, and the OECD’s Good Practice Guidance.
For this application of SDG Synergies 61 targets were selected from across the three agendas, chosen according to their relevance for Colombia’s mining-energy sector. This meant SDG Synergies was also used for exploring interactions between different development agendas, not just Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Four separate analyses were carried out, one each for electricity generation, mining, fossil fuel use and distribution, and a cross-sectoral analysis between these three. Both government specialists and private-sector stakeholders in the mining and energy industries were invited to participate.
Based on the results, SEI made recommendations to the mining-energy sector on how to better address socio-environmental issues in its plans and projection models, and how to promote synergies between the targets studied.
This project emerged from a partnership between Stockholm Environment Institute and Colombia’s Mining-Energy Planning Unit (UPME).